SendGrid setup and domain auth

SendGrid Account Setup and Domain Verification with Azure DNS

If you’re wanting to send email from your application, then Sendgrid is a fantastic provider that makes it easy (and potentially free) to get up and going. Sendgrid have great documentation at and if you’re a .NET developer, a helpful c# client at Set up your SendGrid account To get an account set […]

SendGrid Account Setup and Domain Verification with Azure DNS Read More »

Using Redis server in ASP.NET 6 web app2

Using Redis Caching in your ASP.NET Core web app

Join the mailing list to stay up to date with published articles Video Summary Welcome back! In our previous videos, we covered the installation of Ubuntu on Windows 11 and explored how to install Redis Server on that Ubuntu instance. Today, we’ll delve into a quick Blazor application that demonstrates how to read and write

Using Redis Caching in your ASP.NET Core web app Read More »

Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 1

Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Video Summary Hi folks, welcome back to another video. In this video, we’re going to take a look at installing Ubuntu, a Linux distribution, on Windows 11 using the Windows subsystem for Linux. To start off, the first thing we need to do is install the Windows subsystem for Linux on Windows. To do that,

Install Ubuntu on Windows 11 using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Read More »

Azure Functions telemetry dependency failures

Ignore Azure Function false positive dependency failures using TelemetryInitializers

Let me start by saying that I love Appication Insights. The level of detail it gives you out of the box to monitor and troubleshoot application issues is fantastic. BUT, I loathe false positive error messages, especially dependency failures. If you’ve done any work with Azure storage then you’ve likely come across what I’m talking

Ignore Azure Function false positive dependency failures using TelemetryInitializers Read More »

new user registration

Handling new user registration with Auth0 and ASP.NET Core 3

When creating a new site that will have users logging into it, you’ll invariably have to choose an identity provider to use. You can use the the inbuilt ASP.NET Core Identity but that has it limitation with repect to authenticating to API’s and other SSO benefits. If you choose a third party identity provider like

Handling new user registration with Auth0 and ASP.NET Core 3 Read More »

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